Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України


for the registration and submission of articles to the collection of scientific works

"Law Journal of Donbass"

1. The structure of scientific articles:

- general problem statement and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

- analysis of recent researches and publications which initiated solving this problem and relied upon by the author, highlighting of unsolved aspects of the problem, which this article is dedicated to;

- formulating of the goals of the article (stating the problem);

- the main material with full justification of scientific results;

- conclusions of the study and perspectives for further research in this direction.

2. Requirements to the text of scientific articles:

- the size of the article for publication (article title, author information, text of the article, references, abstract, key words)

6-12 pages (1.5 spacing, font - Times New Roman, size - 14, margins: top, bottom, right, left – 2 cm);

- first line (on the left) – UDC of the article;

- second line (right) – surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors) (bold);

- third (and optionally fourth) line (on the right) – academic degree, academic title, honorary title, membership in the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (if any), position and affiliation of the author (authors);

- below (middle line) - name of publication in capital letters (bold);

- below the annotation is places (500 symbols) as well as key words (4-8 words) in Ukrainian language;

- through the interval – the text of the article;

- references are indicated in square brackets indicating the number of source and specific pages, for example [1, p. 25-26], and the names references should be mentioned in the end of the article in order of appearance in the text (section "References");

- after the references there should be a summary in Russian (2-4 sentences) and an extended summary in English (not less than 1800 characters) and key words (4-8 words). Both Russian and English abstracts should contain surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors) and the title of the article. Each publication not in Ukrainian language is accompanied by a summary in Ukrainian of no less than 1800 characters, including keywords.

3. Requirements concerning the submission of materials to the editor:

- electronic version of the paper should be sent to the following address: e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам необхідно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ;

- information about the author (co-authors) with indication of the name (full name), academic degree, academic title, membership in the national Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (if available), place of work and position, contact phone number, email and mailing address (with post code) to which it is necessary to send a copy of the collection of scientific papers, division of scientific collection, where it is advisable to place an article;

- photo of the author in jpg format;

- if the author has no scientific degree, a review will be required (which is equivalent to the recommendation for publication provided by the Editor in Chief or the Deputy Editor); all materials are subject to mandatory internal review by the Editorial Board members;

- extract from the Protocol of the meeting of the Department, or other academic or research units on the recommendation of the article for publication;

- annotation (in Russian and English languages in accordance with the above requirements).

Attention! In connection with the entry into force of the DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules", the examples of list of references for the new requirements are given here.

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information, quotations, list of references is borne by the authors.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to return materials to authors for revision, to reduce and edit the provided text.

The authors are warned that the electronic copy of the collection is places free of charge in open access on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadskyi of the NAS of Ukraine in the section "Scientific periodicals of Ukraine", and also on the web page of the bulletin.



Editorial Board of the Edition

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